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Design for "Mirrorlink” connected product concept to improve efficiency while driving


Automotive \ Volkswagen


Consulting, concept

Design Process

Project to ideate around possible product concepts that will improve efficiency while driving. These product concepts would have to work with the mirrorlink technology. 

We followed a double diamond product design process. At the very beginning of the project, we diverged in order to generate a wide range of concept ideas that would contribute to delivering an efficient driving experience. 

Below is a quick overview over the steps taken and where I was mainly involved as the main designer. 


2 types of research were led n order to assess and evaluate the benefits that such technology could bring into the car, and if so how what they could be and how they could look.

Competitors research was massively led to have a snapshot over all features available on the market for improving efficiency while driving. 

With these stimuli from competitors, I then led a creative brainstorming session in order to sketch different "connected" experience feature ideas for app but also in car use. The main goal being...improving the before/during/after commuting experience of the user.  

Among the generated product ideas, we prioritised ideasd that would provide most values in a driver’s journey with user insights. Considering these insights, a value matrix was made together with a consulting deck to discuss with clients and discuss, align around it. 

PHASE 2 FROM concepts sketches TO USER FLOWS

Selected product concepts would be translated into more concrete interface ideas by creating specific logics, functional as well as user flows, specifications around interaction behaviours



These led to the development of a few products that went live in late 2015! The final design reflects the design language of Volkswagen's car interface: black background with discreet color highlights.